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MS in France


Course Overview

A master’s degree is a graduate degree earned after completing a bachelor’s degree. It usually takes about 30-36 credits of courses and two years of full-time study to complete.

Types of master’s degree:

Taught Masters

Taught master’s programs in France are master’s programs that are similar to undergraduate courses and include lectures, seminars, and tests. It’s important to note that most Master’s degrees are approved by EG (Ecole Grande), France’s top certifying agency for preserving quality. However, if you are unable to locate an EG certification, it cannot be assumed that the course is not worth studying while studying abroad in France. It’s also possible that the course is relatively new, and the university hasn’t started the certification procedure yet.

Research Masters

Research Master’s degrees, on the other hand, are those that include research, the presentation of a thesis on a topic, and in-depth examination and study of a specialised area when studying in France. A Taught Master’s degree could lead to a professional position that requires research experience in a variety of situations. As a result, Research Master’s degrees are frequently used as stepping stones to a PhD.


Eligibility Criteria for MS Program in France

Since French is the language of instruction at French universities and colleges, you must prove your command of the language. Students from other countries are required to take French language examinations.


Intake And Application Deadlines

September is the primary intake season for all French universities. As a result, deadlines would range from February to May for various courses and colleges. A few universities also accept applications in March. This intake’s deadlines would be from November through January.


MS Course Duration In France

In France, a Master’s degree usually lasts two years. Postgraduate programs in France are divided into academic years separated by vacations.


Tuition Fees

The average cost of attending college in France varies depending on the institution, the course, and the city in which the school is located. Tuition costs range from around 150 EUR per semester to around 900 EUR per term. This sum varies and is determined by a variety of circumstances. Fees for EU residents may be lower, while fees for international students may be more.

Types of Institutions Average Masters in France Cost
Grande Ecoles 500 to 600 Euros a Year, can go up to 10000 Euros depending on the Institute
Private Universities 1500 to 20000 Euros a Year
Business Schools 5000 to 7000 Euros a Year


Why Choose France For MS?

The French higher education system is unique in that it consists of networks of smaller universities that share resources as part of larger higher education institutions. This method is especially well suited to postgraduate education and the requirements of increasingly specialised degree programs. It’s hardly surprising to see a huge number of French universities in worldwide ranking tables, given the country’s history, reputation, and popularity in higher education. Despite the fact that the younger generation understands English, French is frequently used in daily life and work, from purchasing groceries to dealing with government authorities. However, it is likely that by the time you graduate, you may be able to communicate in French, which would be incredible. France is home to several of the world’s 500 largest corporations, and its industrial behemoths are industry leaders with remarkable global operations. Because a large number of students come from all across Europe and the world, there is a lot of diversity on campus. Students at French colleges are exposed to the magnificent French culture on a daily basis. Students may expect a dynamic and engaging learning atmosphere that brings together students from all around the world. As part of the student culture, universities host shows, conferences, lectures, parties, sporting events, and other outdoor activities.


Popular Fields of Study in MS 

  • Masters in data analytics in France
  • Masters in psychology in France
  • MSc in Energy Management in France
  • Master in public health in France
  • Master economics in France
  • MSc in Marketing and Creativity in France
  • Master business analytics in France
  • Master in education in France


Top Institutes for MS in France

  • Ecole Polytechnique
  • HEC Paris
  • Sciences Po
  • ESSEC Business School
  • ESCP Europe
  • University of Montpellier
  • University of Strasbourg
  • Sorbonne University
  • Aix-Marseille University
  • University of Paris


Top Industries to Choose from

  • Health
  • Financial services
  • Life Sciences
  • Consumer products and services
  • Technology
  • Logistics and transportation
  • Business products and services

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