
Manya exclusive

Bespoke Admission Consulting Services extended by our accomplished Indian advisors to enable study abroad applicants like you to actualize their aspiration of studying abroad in their Dream University. This product has been specifically coined for those with an impressive profile of credentials, test scores achievements & skills. It is Exclusive owing to its superlative focus on enhancing, articulating & positioning your profile in

universities’ standards. Location, no bar! This service can be availed from anywhere & everywhere!

Key Features

Our Diverse Team of International Admission Experts

Our Mentors are the most gifted and committed experts in the field. They will get you into your dream school, because they've done it themselves and show you how to do it too.

Marcela Rodrigues

Harvard Business

Colin Pfeiffer

The University of Chicago
Booth School of Business

Doris Huang

The Whartan School of the
Univeristy of Pennsylvania

Aviva Hakanoglu


Athena Lao


John DC Miles

Duke University

Ching AU

Massachusetts Institute
of Technology

Cindy Montano

Harvard Business

What Makes Admissionado So Effective?


Smarter Mentor

Availabiltiy and
Quick Turnaround

More Than
A Mentor

Smarter Consultant

You +
An Army

The Specialist Approach

From the day company was founded, Admissionado has embraced a unique approach of admissions counseling. We cleave the process into two essential pieces and the find experts in each of those areas. Application strategy is one piece. Persuasive writing is the other. We invite only masters of both crafts, who work collaboratively to deliver-simply put a more effective service compared to the single consultant approach.



Challenge: While Jatin looked great on paper based on test scores and GPA, he initially didn't know what he really wanted to do after completing his undergraduate studies.

Result: After much encouragement, he got a position in a lab to do some research with cancer cell cultures, which later led him to decide to pursue further research at a top research university in the US. Jatin was accepted into the No.1 program at Johns Hopkins!


Challenge: On paper, Arti looked like a lot of other applicants to top schools. When you didn’t dig deep, she looked like your average hard working, good-at-her-job applicant with a solid GMAT, solid work experience, and solid undergrad GPA.

Result: Instead of emphasizing on her significant work accomplishments, we painted a picture of who she was as a person and showed why her courage and character made her an outstanding business leader. Arti was not only accepted to Wharton but got a generous fellowship to boot!


Challenge: He didn’t care about any subjects other than math and science, and his only extracurricular was Robotics Club. The challenge was that Prateek tended to put off application work until the last minute, even when we were just doing simple writing exercises, and the quality of his work would suffer.

Result: Since Prateek was already passionate about Robotics Club, we realized that instead of forcing him into other extra curriculars, we should allow him to devote himself to his interests. He was recently accepted to Virginia Tech, and he’s awaiting admissions decisions from several other schools.