
SAT Exam

The SAT is a standardized test used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. The SAT is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test created and administered by the College Board.

The purpose of the SAT is to measure a high school student’s readiness for college, and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants. College admissions officers will review standardized test scores alongside your high school CGPA, the classes you took in high school, letters of recommendation from teachers or mentors, extracurricular activities, admissions interviews, and personal essays. How important SAT scores are in the college application process varies from school to school.

Overall, the higher you score on the SAT, the more options for attending and paying for college will be available to you.

SAT in India: Nearly 35 universities in India now accept the SAT score for admissions and scholarships for varied programs and the list is growing. Indian Global Higher Education Alliance founded by College Board is in partnership with Indian universities to simplify the admission process for Indian students and offer SAT fee waivers.


What is Tested on the SAT Exam?

SAT exam is a computer-adaptive test with 2 main sections; SAT Reading & Writing and SAT Math.

SAT Reading & Writing section has passages based on literature, historical documents, social sciences, and natural sciences. Math sections mainly tests Algebra, Arithmetic, Data analysis, Geometry and Trigonometry

SAT Exam Structure

Section Questions
SAT Reading & Writing 54 multiple choice questions
SAT Math 44 multiple choice questions


SAT exam is more than 2 hours 14 minutes long including the breaks. The composite score for the SAT exam ranges from 400 to 1600 which is the sum of SAT Evidence-based SAT Reading, SAT Writing, and SAT Math section scores.


How Manya – The Princeton Review can Help You Ace SAT

The Best Study Resources:- Manya – The Princeton Review SAT Prep comes with the most updated, comprehensive SAT study resources, based on the deliberate analysis of our Uber trainers who have themselves studied in the top universities of the world and written the test themselves. More than 77 million copies of about 150 titles of the Princeton Review test prep books have been sold across the world.

The Finest Expertise in the Industry:- Our instructors are subject experts, undergo rigorous certification training, and have a wealth of experience to help you understand how to help you meet your every need for SAT preparation.

Test cracking Strategies & Socratic Pedagogy:- Our instructors are experts at a unique teaching style that encourages questions and builds your capacity to think independently. The proprietary test-taking strategies help you deal with both question-specific problems and time management.

State-of-the-art Learning Portal:- Get your target score by practicing with mock tests just like the real test on an AI-Driven Portal that has every feature that the real test has.

SAT prep program can be taken as both face-to-face face classroom sessions and live online sessions.

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An intensive & highly structured course with proprietary Princeton Review Strategy sessions, guided, proctored tests, personalized test reviews, periodic parent-teacher meetings & test readiness booster sessions 30 Days before the exam!

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Our Top SAT Achievers

  • 1600
  • Rahoul Banerjee
  • Kolkata | SLK192006E0010
  • 1580
  • Pujita Sunder
  • Chennai | PRR0033
  • 1570
  • Pooja Desur
  • Bengaluru | WHT171811E0061
  • 1560
  • Bhavya Singh
  • Lucknow | LCK171810E0012

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Digital SAT FAQ's

How much does it cost to take the SAT exam?

The registration cost for taking the SAT in India is US$104.

Can I take the SAT as many times as I want? or is there a limit?

Students can take the SAT as many times as they want, however, recommended is twice or thrice.

Can I cancel my SAT scores?

“Yes. If you feel you didn’t do well on the SAT you can cancel the test. In the test center, you can ask the test co-ordinator for a request to cancel the test scores form, complete it, sign and return the form to the test coordinator. If you want to cancel the test after leaving the test center, download the request to cancel the test scores form from the college board site. The completed form should be sent to the address given on the college board site. The form should not be submitted through phone or e-mail. Refer the link for more details, https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/scores/canceling-scores”

How much high school math do I need before I can start preparing for the SAT?

“Most of the topics in the SAT Math are covered in class 9 or 10. A few topics would be new for the student which can be learnt in our SAT course.”

What is the procedure to register for the SAT?

Steps to register for the SAT:

1. Sign in to your free College Board account. If you do not have an account on the College Board, create a new account.
2. Provide your full, legal name and other identifying information. Make sure it’s the exact same name and information shown on your photo ID.
3. Decide if you want to answer other questions about yourself. This takes time, but it’s worth it if you want colleges and scholarship organizations to find you. Learn why you should opt in to Student Search Service®.
4. Upload a photo that meets very specific photo requirements.
5. Check out by making the payment and print your Admission Ticket.

What is the right time to prepare for the SAT?

For Indian students, the ideal time to start the SAT preparation would be after 10th-grade board exams. Students will be a little free for at least the next three months after completing the 10th exams before they get packed with 11th and 12th-grade school tasks. Most of the topics tested in the SAT are covered in the 10th class, so it is neither too early nor too late. Students will also get time for 2nd or 3rd attempt if required.

Does the SAT need coaching?

A majority of international students who take the SAT typically enroll in coaching. Coaching facilities will show you how to read questions so that you may choose an answer that is more certain to be correct. They will also help you with time management, grade your essays, and identify your weak areas. However, rather than the number of hours you spend receiving coaching, your performance will be more influenced by the effort and practice you put forth. Take as many practice exams as you can, and try to answer every question. Work diligently on the questions you frequently get wrong.

What is the SAT 2022 eligibility criteria?

Since there are no specific requirements for taking the SAT exam, anyone may take it. Students typically take the SAT exam in their 10th or 11th grade in order to use their results when applying to study abroad for their college degree.


What is the registration fee for SAT 2022?

The SAT Exam in India has a registration fee that must be paid, just like other competitive tests. Let’s break down the examination fee for this test so that everyone who plans to take it can understand it.

The SAT exam costs $55 [4,081 INR]. The additional non-US regional fee for Indian applicants is $49 [INR 3600], making the total exam expense for Indian citizens $104 [INR 7700].

Candidates must pay an extra price of $26 [INR 1,900] per subject for the SAT subject test.

What is the validity of SAT score?

Despite the fact that the SAT’s general validity has no time limit, certain universities impose one, after which you might not be allowed to apply for the course with your current results and may need to repeat the SAT.

The College Board increased the maximum score to 1600 in 2016 and removed the need for the SAT essay part. The candidate’s abilities and skills are put to the test by the continually shifting pattern and section scores. As a result, most universities accept SAT scores that are valid for up to five years. You can still apply to select universities even if your SAT score is more than five years old.

How can one send SAT scores to colleges?

The SAT test result is an evidence that you are college-ready. The SAT exam results must be sent to colleges after you’ve taken it. The majority of universities demand an authentic SAT score report submitted directly from The College Board, which administers the test.

  1. When you register for the SAT, sign up to send SAT scores for free.

From the day you register to up to nine days after your SAT test date, you can ask to have four FREE score reports sent to you at any time. 

  1. For a fee, send SAT score reports following your test.

There is a $12 price to mail a score report after the nine-day deadline has elapsed, unless you qualify for a SAT fee waiver.

  1. Request an expedited order for the SAT.

You recently added a college to your application list; do you urgently need to send your test results? For an extra charge, you can request a rush order, which will have your results forwarded to institutions in 2 to 4 business days.

What is the difference between SAT and ACT?

The fact that the ACT has a science portion and the SAT does not is one of the key distinctions between the two exams. The SAT does include certain other portions that assess scientific knowledge, but unlike the ACT, it does not contain a separate science section.

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Shashank hemadri (Mysuru)

I have enrolled for SAT classes in princeton review. They are working really great for me especially the math trainer, he always makes sure that we understand everything. The best thing here is that the staffs are more concerned about my performance than I do. THANK YOU

Leeladithya Sagar (Karnataka)

Very good institute. I had attended the SAT classes. Excellent Teachers, and are always ready to clarify doubts. Value for money!

Anas Zubair (Telangana)

They provide really good training in the field of SAT. Tutors have provided me with the finest expertise in the industry...Manya has given me a great opportunity to learn and implement the tools provided by their AI-driven portal.

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