
10 Proven Preparation Tricks & Strategies for SAT Exam


SAT is a standardized test taken by millions of students every year for college admissions. The College Board conducts Digital SAT in India, these tests happen during March, May, August, October, and December. Colleges can also use SAT scores for scholarship purposes, in addition to college admissions. Moreover, the students can apply to universities in India and around the world by taking the SAT. This eliminates the need for them to take multiple entrance exams.

What are the Topics Covered in the SAT?

In this SAT syllabus section, you will read passages from literature, history, social studies, and science. Besides, you will also work on grammar, punctuation, and writing style. Furthermore, in math, you will cover topics like algebra, problem solving, and data analyzing.

Few Tricks and Strategies

  • Set the Target Score

The target score depends on the course you are looking for and your dream university. Also, visit the university pages and learn about their SAT exam score requirements. Plan to score more than the average score requires to be on the safer side. Moreover, the gap between the diagnostic test score and the target score decides the time one should take for SAT preparation.

  • How to Prepare for the SAT

Have you already enrolled for an SAT online course? If not, start the SAT prep with an SAT sample paper. Besides, the diagnostic test score will help you understand where you stand.

Based on the gap, try to enroll for online coaching or use prep materials. Moreover, make sure you go for the quality materials that mimic actual SAT. The test will help you understand the SAT sample pattern.

You can choose an online sat prep for professional guidance. Make sure these courses teach you techniques to get correct answers within the stipulated time. However, if you plan to use books for preparation, go for the ones with the best strategies and SAT-like questions for practice.

  1. Firstly, make a schedule and stick to it. Also, remember to use Google calendar or any online calendar to schedule your practice drills.
  2. Afterwards, practice every topic you learn. Avoid distractions during the prep. Moreover, create a test-like environment during the practice sessions.
  3. Further, opt for an SAT test series to monitor your progress. These tests should reflect the actual SAT. Remember, make it a point to include the free official SAT tests in your prep.
  • Learn from the Mistakes

Take time to review your tests. Learn why the mistakes happened – was it a conceptual error, conceptual mistake, or a problem with understanding the question. Moreover, practice the weak areas and avoid repeating the mistakes.

  • Read the Instructions Carefully

When practicing with practice tests, make sure to carefully read and understand the directions. This way, you won’t waste time on test day going over them again. 

  • Mark the Answers Carefully

Don’t be sloppy while filling the answer sheet. Make sure you fill in the answers in the right section and do it in smaller pieces, say 5 or 6 questions every time. Moreover, avoid stray marks in the sheets as the scantron may not be able to differentiate between the correct answer and stray marks.

  • Eliminate the Wrong Answer Options

All the MCQs on the SAT have only one correct answer. Therefore, learn to eliminate the wrong answers so that you can find the correct answer. The College Board creates wrong answers on purpose. Remember, your job is to figure out what makes these answers wrong. Spare a few minutes, in the end, to guess the questions you have left unanswered. Furthermore, no negative marking exists on the SAT after successful SAT prep. Hence, don’t skip any questions.

  • Strategies for the Reading Section

  1. Firstly, choose the order in which you want to do the passages. Besides, you do not need to approach them in the same order as they appear on the test. If you find science passages easy then, do them first. However, in case history passages are difficult for you, save them for last.
  2. Read the blurb. The italicized introduction to the passage gives the context of the author and the passage.
  3. Start working with the specific questions that ask for smaller details. Besides, you would have read a significant portion of the passage and will be ready to address the overarching questions.
  4. You may not love the passages but still, engage yourself with what you read. Consequently, this will help you to keep track of what is happening in the passage.
  5. Always look for evidence from the passage. Any answer that does not have support from the text can never be the correct answer.
  6. Lastly, leave your opinion on the doorstep.
  • Strategies for the Writing and Language Section

  1. Nearly 24 questions on this section test the grammar and punctuation rules. Moreover, you must memorize certain specific rules that the SAT exam tests. Do not go by the sound of the answer.
  2. The NO CHANGE option is correct twenty-five percent of the time it appears on the test. Some end up selecting this option more often, while others hesitate to choose this. However, if you have eliminated all other options and this is the only one remaining, choose it.
  3. For answering the Rhetorical questions, read the paragraph carefully.
  4. If you have two grammatically correct answers, choose the concise one.
  • Strategies for the Math Section

  1. Study the formulae and concepts that the SAT tests.
  2. Read the full question and underline the important details as you go.
  3. Focus on challenging topics and review less common ones like trigonometry and complex numbers to improve your skills.
  4. Additionally, learn the grid-in rules.
  • The Do’s and Don’ts on the Test Day

  1. Don’t learn any new concepts or take a full-length test on the day before the SAT exam. Relax and watch a movie or hang out with friends. Also, do a warm-up with a few questions and brush up on the formulae and rules.
  2. Make a list of things you need for tomorrow: confirmation email, ID, pencils, erasers, and calculator. You cannot use mechanical pencils on the test.
  3. Get a good night’s sleep as you have a daunting 3-hour task the next morning.
  4. Don’t skip breakfast, lest you lose concentration because of hunger.
  5. Try to reach the center on time. Visit the location a few days before the test to find out its location.
  6. Carry water and snacks to consume during the break.
  7. Don’t panic during the test. Complete the easy ones, and even if you are not able to answer all the questions, guess and move on.
  8. You can send the official scores free of cost to four colleges from the time you have registered for the test. Moreover, remember you can do this up to 9 days after the test. Make use of it wisely. You can also use Score Choice to choose and send scores if you have taken the SAT multiple times.
  9. Gear yourself up for the SAT with the help of the best online sat prep.
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Is there any special accommodation for students with disabilities?

Indeed, the SAT does accommodate students with disabilities. Students with disabilities must request accommodation from the College Board’s Services for Students with Disabilities. Furthermore, for more information visit: https://accommodations.collegeboard.org/

How much does it cost to take the SAT?

In India, the SAT fee is $60 for the test along with the additional regional fee of $43, bringing to the total cost to $103.

How many times can I take the SAT?

You can take the SAT as many times as you want. Experts generally advise the student to take it twice or thrice. A large number of administrations on the score report may sound like the student is inconsistent.

What is the score choice?

Score Choice allows you to choose and send the SAT scores of your choice to the universities. While some colleges require you to send only the highest score, others may require you to send all the scores.

Do colleges prefer SAT or ACT?

Colleges equally accept both the ACT and SAT. 

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