
How Early Should I Start Preparing for SAT?


How early should you start preparing for SAT totally depends on your weaknesses and strengths in different SAT subjects?

Students must have knowledge of the SAT Exam Pattern and the score required to get into a good university. For many Aspirants, When should I start studying for SAT? This is quite a common doubt. It is natural for students preparing for the SAT to be confused about how much preparation is required for SAT and when should they start it.

Honestly, there is no accurate answer as the process of preparation is different for every student.

We are all aware of the proverb an early bird catches the worm and we can vouch for the veracity of this adage in myriad small ways such as rising early and getting to catch the local on time, or prepping early for our assignments and being able to meet the deadline comfortably while the latecomers are caught up in the web of procuring research books that are loaned out in the library, or last minute health issues that crop up ominously just before the deadline.


When to appear for SAT?

1. The Early The Better!

According to the college application timeline, you should give your 100% try to take your first SAT exam in Sept-Oct of the eleventh class. This way, if you are not satisfied with the score and think that you can score better, you can retake SAT in April-May or after your eleventh final exams. If you get a good score on the first attempt, it implies you can focus completely on the Application process in your class 12th.

The Early, The Better proverb works very efficiently when it comes to The SAT Exam. Let’s see how this happens:

The 9th grader has an enviable edge that stays with him!

Students, who took the SAT in the 9th grade, just for fun, as they termed it, were better poised to take the SAT in the 11th grade in terms of preparation, approach, and collective wisdom gained from the earlier attempt. The 9th grader takes the SAT with an open mind and without any clue of what the exam requires in terms of preparation. But after taking the test, he becomes acquainted with SAT standardized testing patterns, which are so diametrically opposed to the testing patterns of school academia. This first brush with the SAT opens up a new world of learning and preparation that children need to possess to do well on such tests. With proper coaching either on their own or with the help of a private tutor, students notice measurable improvement and they do extremely well on their second and perhaps final attempt.


2. Multiple attempts at the SAT-Works to your advantage always!

Taking the SAT several times is a boon, not a bane. With the College Board option of Score Choice, SAT-Preprationyou can decide which score you want to project to the colleges you are seeking admission to. Or if you want colleges to look at the upward graph of scores in all sections of all the tests you have taken, then opt for those colleges who accept super scoring, which means they will consider your highest section scores across multiple test dates.


3. Know the academic learning early:

High school math and English is fine as school goes, but SAT math and English is a different ball game. Children in their 9th 10 grades read a lot of literature and are good at appreciating the nuances of the prose piece in their non-detailed text. But SAT English requires a different approach to reading or understanding trends in graphs in the Evidence-based Reading and Writing section of the SAT test. It is better for students to get their hands on such reading trends and likewise on the quirky ways of testing algebra and arithmetic problems that are so typically SAT. Even if the test makes no sense the first time, it is sure to be conquered in the second or final attempt, provided the ways to crack the test have been learned under the able guidance of tutors.


What’s the bottom line to Start Studying for the SAT Exam –

It is highly recommended to take the PSAT in your sophomore year to get your base SAT score. Then, figure out your target score for SAT. Finally, begin to study either during your sophomore year or the following summer and take the SAT junior fall.

The intensity of your SAT Preparation will vary by how selective the schools you want to get into, your starting score, and how much you need to enhance it. But it will be amazing for you to start during the sophomore year by taking the PSAT or an SAT practice test, you will be on track to get your best possible score during junior year. This will free up your senior year for college applications.

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How many hours should I study for the SAT a day?

How many hours do you really need per day to Prepare for the SAT Exam? 5 Hours a week is ideal for Your SAT Prep. Now, it is up to you how you do that. Whether you study for 1 hour every day during school days or you spend long hours on weekends, as long as you cover 5 hours per week, you’re good.

How do 11th graders prepare for SAT?

  • Read a lot
  • Start Following the SAT Question of the Day
  • Review an SAT Practice Test
  • Join an SAT Forum
  • Don’t Stress About It

How many SAT attempts are allowed?

Students can take the SAT Exam as many times as they want. Though, there are typically only seven test dates throughout the year.

What happens if you fail the SATs?

There’s no direct disadvantage of a student ‘failing’ their SATs; the results may be seen badly by the school, but they don’t have to retake the exams.

What SAT score is required for Harvard?

Harvard SAT Score Analysis is 1600 SAT Score.
There’s no specific SAT Score requirement at Harvard, but they really want to see at least 1460 to have a chance at being considered.

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