
All You Need to Know About the GMAT Mock Tests

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If you are preparing for the GMAT Exam, you would have known by now that taking a full-length practice test plays an important role in your preparation.

Taking a sufficient number of GMAT mock tests before the real exam is sage advice. Students who take the GMAT cold – without having taken any practice tests – may find the exam tough.

Achieving a dream score can be difficult, but if you are careful and devise a strategy that includes taking proper mock tests every now and then before the real exam, you will undoubtedly be able to achieve your dream GMAT score, which can serve as a roadmap to your dream MBA university.

In this blog, you will learn all about the GMAT mock test and how it is helpful in achieving your goals.


When to Take the GMAT Mock Test?

It is enough said that taking mock exams is crucial, but have you ever wondered when is the right time to take the GMAT practice test? Or should you in fact start your preparation with a mock test?

The answer is that you should in fact solve a GMAT sample paper at your initial preparation stage. This approach will help you determine how close you are to achieving your baseline score. It will also help you to diagnose the problems as the earliest.

Some students believe that they need complete extensive preparation before taking a practice test, but keep in mind that the goal of this first practice test is to better assist your current level of understanding and what to expect on the actual test. As a result, only rudimentary preparation is required prior to taking your first mock test. Familiarize yourself with the concepts and the sections of the test, beforehand to have an accurate sense of the type of questions.


How Many and How Often Should You Take the GMAT Mocks?

Apart from the mock test that you took at the beginning, you should start solving sample papers on a weekly basis, especially when you are approaching the end of your GMAT online prep and you have mastered all the necessary concepts, strategies, tips, and tricks.

How many mocks to give before GMAT? If time allows, you should definitely go for more and have 3 days minimum between 2 tests. This way you can work on your previous mistakes and not repeat the same mistake on your next GMAT mock test, which ideally you should not. These tests should be full-length from a reputable source so that you can acquire genuine information to work with.


How Can the GMAT Test Series Help You?

You should always look for the best books for GMAT preparation to understand effective test-taking tactics, frequent question types they’ll see on the exam, and best practices for maximizing your study time. These books will also give a better insight and understanding of the GMAT paper pattern.


Use the Full-Length Test to Analyze Your Performance

The practice tests are designed to give you a sense of where you exactly stand, hence it is equally important to understand and master the fundamental concepts of each and every section so that you can analyze your problem areas better and work on them accordingly.

Once you have analyzed different holes in your planning through these mock tests, you should work on filling them out before taking the next mock exam. In an ideal scenario, strive not to repeat identical errors in subsequent GMAT practice tests.


Targeted Practice Sectional Test

The sectional assessments are tailored to students from a variety of backgrounds. It’s understandable if you come from a math or chemical background and don’t speak English very well. If you’re a political science or English graduate, for example, you might not have a great grasp on data interpretation. The sectional assessments are designed to show both weak and strong aspects of your curriculum so that you may quickly begin focusing on the weaker areas and improve.


Use Mock Tests to Prepare Better and Not Just as a Predictive Tool

Taking mock tests should not be solely for the purpose of predicting your score, but rather to better prepare for the arduous test day. Dissecting your mock tests and identifying your weak areas should be your goal. Then, before going on to the next set of mocks, you must address those flaws.

So, in general, mock tests provide a preview of what to expect during your exam. More accurately, they function as a mirror of your actual GMAT paper pattern, and you should aim to replicate the authentic GMAT as much as possible. And make no mistake the fact that these mock exams can really help you in improving your scores, hence students should attend all of it with sincerity!


Why Do You Need to Take So Many Practice Tests Before the Real GMAT?

All of the practice tests will guarantee three advantages:

  • Awareness: Familiarity with the software used for testing.
  • Speed & Accuracy: The key to scoring high in the exam is speed and accuracy. Thus, if you practice numerous mock examinations often within a limited period of time, you will undoubtedly improve your speed and accuracy.
  • Time Management: With two large sections to complete in a set amount of time, it’s critical that you understand the worth of each minute and how quickly you respond to questions. Practice tests will help you review your time management strategies.

Now, let us quickly take a look over basic dos and don’ts to assist you in getting the most out of your GMAT mock test.



  • If you plan to take GMAT Data Insights before GMAT Quant and GMAT Verbal on test day, make sure you practice with the sample tests in that order. Maintain the order that suits you best.
  • Take the test with utmost seriousness, and be brutally honest in your assessment. The examination’s main purpose is to identify your strengths and shortcomings so that you may tailor your strategy accordingly. Under no circumstances should you cheat on the mock test because a bogus score can lead to overconfidence.



  • Don’t spend too much time answering a question. As GMAT is a time-bound exam hence, try and stick to the time restriction you’ll be given. Continue with the next question if you are unable to respond within the time limit. Although it may be difficult to find time during your early practice sessions, you should make every attempt to stay within the time limit.
  • Take no longer than the breaks you’ll get on your actual GMAT exam, and don’t interrupt in the midst if you’re weary or for any other reason. Take all of the mocks at once. As we have said earlier, it is a time-bound test, so pausing will not help you or your time management skills.
  • One absolutely important thing that you should avoid while preparing for the GMAT Quant section is to depend on loopholes like back-solving and picking numbers. It requires you to master the fundamental concepts and for you to read the questions carefully to avoid silly mistakes.

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How Important Are Mock Tests for GMAT Preparation?

GMAT is a crucial exam that business schools globally use to select the most suitable candidates. In one sense, the GMAT exam is the instrument that will help aspirants realize their dream of getting into some of the best business programs.

GMAT not only tests your aptitude for management sciences but also your stamina and mental toughness in those 3.5 hours. Mock tests are designed to make the real GMAT seem easier.


Provides Familiarisation with GMAT Timings

GMAT mock tests are practice tests that replicate the GMAT exam style of conduct. It helps you become aware of the section-wise timing.


Provides the Experience of the Real Exam During the Same Time Slot

By planning to attempt a mock test in the same time slot as that of the real GMAT, you can get a feel of the actual GMAT test and also be aware of the effect that time slot has on you during the exam.


Provides Awareness of Your Physical and Mental Stamina

Most GMAT candidates are working professionals. They are now no longer used to grueling three-plus hour exam schedules having minuscule break timings. So it is difficult for them to give the GMAT exam without any practice. Full-length mock tests will provide them with that exposure. It will help them to evaluate their physical and mental stamina, speed of answering, and capability to think hard in such a pressurized environment.

Mock tests can help you analyze your mental toughness. You can practice techniques to improve concentration and handle stress accordingly.

The type of food, adequate rest, and hydration impact your well-being and concentration during the exam. The mock test also gives you a chance to understand the impact better and accordingly plan for these aspects before attempting such a prolonged duration exam.


Provides a Better Understanding of the Adaptive Exam Style

The mock tests offered by reputed GMAT classes reflect the changes in GMAT format. There is a gradual progression in the difficulty level of questions being attempted. Your performance on the previous question will determine the difficulty level of the ensuing question. These tests are non-repetitive. This implies, if you improve on your weak areas, then in subsequent mock tests there is no repetition of questions, as it is performance-driven. So mock tests simulate the real GMAT.


Helps to Explore the “Select Section-Order” Feature of GMAT

One of the changes introduced by GMAC is the “Select section-order” feature. This provides the flexibility to select the order in which you wish to attempt the four sections of the GMAT exam. This helps you to make the order choice based on your strength and comfort in tackling the different sections.


Provides Means For Feedback

On completion of the mock test, an institute-specific score report is generated. It is a comprehensive report on the student’s performance. It provides scaled scores in the various sections, and details of each question in terms of area of focus, difficulty level, correctness, and pacing (time taken). This report helps the student identify their areas of strength and weakness. Some institute reports also provide detailed explanations for the questions.


Provides Inputs For Test Strategy Revision

The score report also gives you the inputs for creating

  • test attempting strategy in terms of the order of sections to be selected
  • time management strategy to improve pacing
  • learning plan focussing on areas needing more focus for future study
  • Identifies energy-draining sections

A full-length GMAT mock test helps you also attempt the Integrated Reasoning and Analytical Writing sections. These sections are graded independently. Though the scores in these two sections are not included in the final reckoning, these are quite energy-draining and time-consuming. Hence these sections should also be attempted earnestly.


Identifies Distraction Patterns

Distractions are likely to pop up during the GMAT mock test series, and you need to be able to identify and learn about provisions made at the center to tackle them. E.g. earplugs option


Timely Identification and Correction in Exam Approach

The earlier you start attempting mock tests, the sooner you can take corrective actions and improvise. By frequently appearing for mock tests, you can test your progress and ensure that your preparation is on the right track.

Ensure that you attempt the mock exams with full sincerity and dedication. Your approach in handling GMAT mock tests and not just the mere count of mock tests you attempt will enhance your ability to perform in the real exam. They help you optimize your GMAT preparation time. They help you gain a better understanding of the GMAT. This will boost your confidence to face the real GMAT.

Manya–The Princeton Review provides excellently designed mock tests. Their trained faculty will provide a detailed diagnosis of improvement areas based on the score report and help create effective learning plans.


How to Make Most Out of GMAT Mock Tests?

GMAT mock tests are an important part of your GMAT preparation. A GMAT practice test is not just for practicing the questions. It can also provide you with invaluable insights into your current level of preparation. If you take each GMAT practice test in exam-like conditions, it can definitely make you better prepared for the actual GMAT.


Are Mock Tests Important?

While preparing for GMAT, taking GMAT mock exams is and should be a part of your preparations. Before you begin your prep, take a properly timed GMAT sample paper. This will help you get familiar with the structure of the test (GMAT paper pattern) and the kinds of questions on the exam (GMAT syllabus). This initial diagnostic test can even help you set realistic expectations about the time and effort required to reach your dream score.

Once students start their prep, some students take all the tests quickly, one after the other. They feel that just solving GMAT question papers is enough to learn the concepts tested while others save all the practice tests for the end of their prep. Few other students, even though they may use the best books for GMAT preparation, do not take any practice tests as they are afraid to see their scores. However, the best strategy is to take GMAT practice tests at regular intervals throughout your prep.

If you take a GMAT test as a timed test, it can yield invaluable information. If a GMAT practice test is properly reviewed, it can provide insights into your strengths and weaknesses. This can then guide further preparation and help you make effective use of the time that you have available for preparation.

GMAT is not just a test of your knowledge: it also tests your ability to manage the time available in a strategic manner. Taking full-length tests can thus also help you evaluate your test-taking strategies. If it has been a while since your last exam, taking GMAT tests at regular intervals during your preparation period can help build your stamina and sustain your concentration levels over the long exam duration (almost 3.5 hours).


What Makes a Good GMAT Practice Test?

Undoubtedly, taking GMAT practice tests is an essential part of your GMAT prep. However, only standardized material from a reliable source has the content, question types, answer types, and scores similar to the actual GMAT exam. A good GMAT test can help you understand your current level of prep, guide further prep and effectively predict your actual GMAT scores.

Questions on the GMAT are adaptive. This means that your performance on a question will determine the difficulty level of the next question. Very few GMAT practice tests in the market are really computer adaptive. On the actual GMAT, you cannot skip a question or go back to an earlier question.

A good practice test will simulate your actual test experience. The computer interface of the practice test should also reflect the actual GMAT test. One of the reasons that the GMAT is difficult is that there are trap answer choices and it is difficult to pick the correct answer quickly. The practice tests should also reflect this. Thus, using questions of a lower quality, from unreliable sources is just a waste of time.

Unreliable sources may just recycle material from other exams such as CAT or XAT. Some concepts in those tests may be similar to the ones tested in GMAT. Nonetheless, the structure of the exam, level of knowledge/skills tested, and style of questions are unique to GMAT. The time, money, and effort that you put into preparation for GMAT should be of actual benefit to you.

For this reason, it is essential to only take practice tests from reliable sources that have a proven track record of effectiveness. The test creator, GMAC, offers 2 free tests and some paid tests on its website mba.com. Manya – The Princeton Review also offers one GMAT mock test free and 10 full-length tests (in the paid version) on the princetonreview.com website.


When and How Many GMAT Mocks Should You Take?

Start with a GMAT practice test before you begin your GMAT prep. This test is like a diagnostic tool and gives you insights into your current level of prep. It can also help you set realistic goals about the time and effort needed to reach your target score.

When you have learned some key concepts and practiced some GMAT questions (using techniques that can help you get to the answer faster), then take the next test. Do not wait till the end of your prep to take tests. Take GMAT practice tests at regular intervals during your prep and use the insights from your tests to guide further prep.

Students often ask for recommendations about the number of practice tests to take. Taking at least 8 to 10 full-length tests can help you get familiar with GMAT, guide your practice, and predict your score levels on the actual GMAT.

However, students should remember that just taking many tests is not enough. To make effective use of the tests (as a diagnostic tool of your performance), take the time to actually review each test. Understand your strengths and weaknesses in terms of concepts and strategies. Work on weak areas and do not be afraid to seek support from experts, when needed.


How to Take the GMAT Practice Test?

Remember that you are trying to simulate exam conditions every time you take a full-length test. So do not take the test when you are exhausted after a long day at college or work. Take the test when you are well-rested. Make sure that you take the test in a quiet place where you can work uninterrupted for at least 3.5 hours. Turn off distractions like notifications on your laptop and keep your phone in silent mode.

Treat every practice test like the actual GMAT. Only if you simulate exam conditions and take a practice test from a reliable source, only then will your score reflect your level of preparation and can be used to predict your performance on the actual GMAT. So what does “simulate exam conditions” mean? Whenever you take a practice test, take the entire test and do not skip any sections. Take the exam in one go- do not pause the test at any time. This can help you build stamina for the actual exam. Do not extend your breaks to longer than the allotted time. On the GMAT, if you don’t return on time from a break, you may lose time on the next section.

Furthermore, it is essential that you only take a timed test. Some students panic when they see the timer running on the actual GMAT. To get used to this, it is important to take every practice test as a timed test only. Taking the timed test can also help you be aware of and practice your pacing strategies. Do not wait till the last few minutes to check the timer. Check your pacing every 5 to 10 questions. If you have answered enough questions in that time, maintain your pace. If you realize that you are lagging behind, pick up your pace, so that you can complete answering all the questions in the section.

Do not get stuck with one very difficult question and spend a lot of time on just that one question. Make an educated guess and then move on. Even if your guess for that single difficult question is incorrect, you can make up for the difficulty level in the subsequent questions. Remember, there is a penalty for not answering all the questions in a section. Also, if you run out of time you may decide to guess multiple questions at the end of the section. If any of your guesses end up being incorrect, the difficulty level will go down. This will definitely affect your final score.

Do not use an external calculator for any calculations- use only the one provided in the GMAT mock exam. Notepad, capping pen (marker), etc. can be used in every GMAT full-length mock test.


What to Do After Taking the GMAT Practice Test?

Many students are just focused on completing as many practice tests as possible. However, the point of taking a practice test is not just to complete it but to use it as a diagnostic tool to evaluate – your knowledge of concepts, the gaps in your test-taking strategies, and your ability to perform under pressure. Thus it is essential that you review your performance in the tests within a couple of days when the test is still fresh in your mind.

This analysis can help you identify gaps in your knowledge or test-taking strategies. This knowledge can then help guide further practice and can also help you utilize the time available in an effective manner. Even if you know a concept well, you should be able to answer questions quickly and accurately. So it is important to analyze the method by which you answered the question also. At Manya Princeton Review, the strategies and techniques taught have helped many students improve their speed and accuracy while answering GMAT questions.


We Can Help

Manya – The Princeton Review offers 10 full-length practice tests for the GMAT. Each test has an interactive score report that provides detailed answers and explanations. The score report also provides insights into your strengths and weaknesses which can then guide further practice.

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How to Assess Your GMAT Mock Tests?

Any GMAT preparation is incomplete without attempting mock tests. There is no dearth of GMAT mock tests available from various sources and every GMAT aspirant will be attempting at least one before the real GMAT exam.

Giving the GMAT full-length mock test is only one among the steps taken in the right direction. Analysis of your performance in the mock test is the key to fine-tuning your strategy as you prepare for GMAT. This article attempts to resolve all queries related to the mock test analysis.


Assessing the Mock Test

Having attempted the mock GMAT exam, it is time to conduct a multi-dimensional analysis of your performance.

Time Analysis

Test Section Sub-Section
Verbal Reasoning (VR)
Critical Reasoning (CR)
Reading Comprehension (RC)
Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Problem-Solving
Algebra/Geometry or Arithmetic
Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) Argument analysis and communication in the form of a critique
Data Insights Two-Part Analysis
Table Analysis
Multi-source Reasoning
Graphic Interpretation


The presumption, made in this article, is that you have determined your target score in the Verbal and Quantitative section, using the tool provided by any GMAT prep institutes.

Observe your scores in the mock test for the various sub-sections of Verbal.


Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning

  • Compare your mock scores with your target score to understand the difference between them and roughly estimate the effort needed to reduce the score gap significantly.
  • Analyse your question completion rate for each sub-section.
  • Analyse the timings that you clocked for each subsection. Try to understand whether you were pacing comfortably, felt hurried towards the end, or fell short of time while answering the various sections and sub-sections.

In case, the time taken for solving each question appears

  • to be more or less similar throughout, it means you were comfortably paced.
  • to decrease towards the end of each sub-section progressively, which implies that you were rushed in the latter part of the sub-section.

This will help you develop a better, optimized time strategy to achieve a much better GMAT score in the future. Proper time management can be achieved by practicing the questions within a time frame.

Attempting frequent GMAT practice tests will help us to resolve our timing issues. For the RC sub-section, concentration is vital while reading the passage to avoid revisiting the whole passage. This helps in saving time.


Question-Level Analysis

  • Review solutions of all the correctly answered questions and understand why the other options were deemed incorrect.
  • Attempt solving wrong ones without a time frame to understand the impact of time pressure on accuracy.
  • In case the errors are not time-dependent, then it could be due to a lack of concept clarity, computing error, etc. Document every incorrect question with its sub-section, question type, the reason for the error, difficulty level, and time is taken. Perform trend analysis on all the errors documented.
  • Check if accuracy in certain sections is at the expense of valuable time. If so, you need to try to reduce the time taken to attempt those sections.
  • Lesser time is taken and higher accuracy in a particular section indicates a clear strength area.

After completion of the review process, your weak areas can be identified and action plans to target them effectively need to be created. This will definitely help you to make optimum use of the GMAT preparation time and attain your target score.

You should also take mock tests for AWA and IR sections to get a realistic picture of your overall performance. As part of the GMAT preparation, it is equally important to gauge your mental toughness and then work to improve your focus and stamina.

To sum up, there are many free mock tests available on the internet but it gets confusing to choose the best one as not all tests are perfect. Manya’s class is a renowned name for perfecting people for GMAT. So, if you are searching for the right GMAT mock tests, then click here, and start your real-time GMAT exam now.


How GMAT Mock Tests Help Improve Your Final Results?

Thousands of individuals take competitive tests, but only a handful succeed. The GMAT Mock test is one thing that sets these persons apart from the other candidates. A mock exam is one in which you take a test for practice while adhering to all of the rules that apply to real exams. This is extremely beneficial when taking the actual exam.

The Graduate Management Admission Test, or GMAT, necessitates a diverse skill set and experience. To master this exam, you must be involved in every element of your preparation, and GMAT mock test series are ideal for this.

GMAT mock tests allow for a more thorough analysis of your existing abilities and a better knowledge of your faults. GMAT practice tests are timed and simulate current patterns in real time. It’s a crucial tool for improving your chances of getting into the best international business schools.
Here are seven reasons why a GMAT mock test online is crucial for GMAT prep.


1. Get an Idea of What to Expect on the Exam Day

GMAT mock exams are tests that are similar to the real GMAT. Solving GMAT practice exams will give you an idea of the types of questions you’ll face on exam day. Mock exams will familiarise you with the actual exam’s syllabus, format, and difficulty level.

GMAT is a four-hour test module that’s supposed to simulate the actual thing. This will aid in your preparation for the actual exam day. You can prepare for this test in the same way that you would for the GMAT and find out if you are on the right road. To understand your circadian cycle, take it on the same day as your GMAT. Use a stopwatch to keep track of how much time you spend on breaks or overthinking a single question.

It is critical to take GMAT mock tests that are on par with the exam; Manya’s GMAT practice tests offer you such taste because they are created by a team of professionals.


2. Analyse Your Preparation and Performance

GMAT mock tests will provide you with a realistic assessment of your preparation. Mocks will assist you in remembering concepts and ensuring that you do not forget what you have learned and mastered. It will also assist you in revising the syllabus each time you complete a mock exam.

GMAT mock exams can help you determine and analyze your projected GMAT score by allowing you to practice real-time modeling of examination trends. They are written just as they would be in a real test. This aids in the recognition of your flaws and the development of strategies to address them. If you struggle with time management or need to brush up on specific GMAT topics, the process of taking online practice exams will help you improve in those areas. You can improve your time techniques by improving your test-taking ability.


3. Helps You Try Different Strategies

In each of your GMAT practice tests, you can prepare and apply numerous methods before using the best one during the real exam. This will allow you to experiment and plan ahead of time for the exam.


4. You Learn Time Management

Every day, solve the GMAT mock test online to get a sense of how quick or slow you are. When working on mocks, you may discover that you need more time for one piece and less for another. Once you know this, you can arrange how much time to spend on each area so that you can finish the paper while still having time to think about a specific subject.


5. Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

After a few GMAT practice tests, you’ll be able to tell which sections are your strong suit and which are your weak suit, as well as which topics in each section are easier and which are more challenging. You’ll know which topics to concentrate on after you’ve got a sense of them. At the end of each mock test, you can measure your accuracy and time spent: two important preparation metrics.


6. Reduces Pre-Exam Nervousness

GMAT mock exams are similar to real GMAT. As a result, once you’ve completed enough GMAT practice tests, you’ll have a good idea of what to expect on the real exam. You’ll feel more at ease if you know how it’ll feel on “D-Day.”
When you achieve a high enough grade, you will be confident in your ability to perform well in the actual GMAT exam.


7. Keep Track of Your Progress

As time passes and you complete more GMAT mock exams, you may keep track of your progress. You’ll be able to see how much your score has improved or whether you’ve fallen short on a particular occasion. You can immediately recognize your errors and begin correcting and improving on them. You can keep track of your progress as time goes on and you complete more mock examinations. You’ll be able to check how much your score has improved or if you’ve failed on a specific occasion. You’ll be able to spot your mistakes right away and start correcting and improving them.

GMAT preparation is a difficult task. It is well-known among competitive tests for the difficulty it provides. However, with the right preparation strategy and the use of best practices, it is possible to grasp the difficult GMAT syllabus, as well as the nature of the exam and its related problems. Weekly GMAT testing is one such activity that we recommend to students.


Manya – The Princeton Review Advantage

Manya – The Princeton Review offers end-to-end study abroad services encompassing admissions consulting services, test preparation, English language training, career assessment, and international internship opportunities to study abroad aspirants. Founded in 2002, Manya holds an impeccable track record of enabling more than 4 lac students to accomplish their study abroad dreams through its network of 47+ centers across India.

Manya has formed long-lasting global alliances with several market leaders in the education industry in order to maximize the benefits of its large service portfolio. Their list of esteemed partners and affiliations includes – The Princeton Review (TPR), Cambridge University Press (CUP), Cogito Hub, British Council, Tuding to name a few. Manya has also forged 600+ partnerships with international universities across top study abroad destinations.

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Why should I take a GMAT mock test?

Taking a GMAT mock test can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, familiarize yourself with the format and content of the actual GMAT exam, and improve your test-taking skills.

How many GMAT mock tests should I take?

You should take as many GMAT mock tests as you need to feel comfortable with the format and content of the exam. It is recommended to take at least two to three mock tests before the actual GMAT exam.

Where can I find GMAT mock tests?

There are many resources where you can find GMAT mock tests, including official GMAT prep materials, third-party test prep companies, and online forums.

How do I take a GMAT mock test?

You can take a GMAT mock test online or on paper. To take an online GMAT mock test, you will need to sign up for a free or paid online GMAT prep course or purchase a GMAT prep book that includes access to online practice tests.

Is the GMAT mock test similar to the actual GMAT exam?

Yes, the GMAT mock test is designed to simulate the actual GMAT exam as closely as possible, so it includes the same types of questions and is timed similarly to the actual exam.

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