
How to Easily Pass the A1 German Level?


For your study abroad journey in Germany, proficiency in German is valuable.  While most universities in Germany teach in English, few of the courses may need you to command at least a basic understanding of and knowledge of the German language. Besides, as a student in Germany, you will be at an advantage if you know the native language as it will help you easily navigate and network. Moreover, a foreign language can also increase your employment chances. Hence, if you are training in the tech or automobile programs, disciplines that Germany has made significant advancements in, and wish to start your career in Germany, knowledge of the language will be an added advantage to your resume.

As defined by the Goethe Institute, you need to clear the speaking, writing, reading, and listening components in all six levels, namely A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 to be considered an expert in the language. Starting with the German A1 level syllabus, even if you clear the A-level, you will be set with a basic understanding of the German language and will be able to easily engage in formal and informal conversations. Level B will take you a step further by teaching you the nuances of grammar, while the C level will introduce you to literature in German.

Thus, with an A1 level in German, you will be able to communicate your basic needs – such as shopping for groceries, filing police complaints, ordering at a restaurant, asking for directions, etc. You will be even able to introduce yourself, talk about likes and dislikes and your goals in life, and engage in light conversations. You will learn to construct simple sentences and know about the daily use of words and phrases that will help you in your day-to-day activities during your time as an Indian student in Germany.

Before proceeding further, let us understand the pattern of the exam for Goethe A1 level in German. Understanding the structure will help us better customize our preparation plan.

At the outset, the A1 German exam is a 60-point exam with 36 as the passing marks. That is to say, you need to score only 60% to pass the exam. As with all language exams, this is also divided into four modules:

  • Listening (Horen): Divided into 3 parts with 6 questions based on 6 audios in part 1 (dialogue), 4 questions based on 4 audios in part 2 (announcement), and 5 questions based on 5 audios in part 3 (monologue). Each of these questions is a multiple-answer choice. However, the audio files in parts 1 and 3 are played twice while in part 2 are played only once. This component carries 15 points and has to be completed within 20 minutes.
  • Speaking (Sprechen): You will get 15 minutes to complete the module and each part has 5 points. In part 1, you will have to introduce yourself. In part 2, you will work with a partner, wherein each one of you will receive 2-3 cards with a word and a theme. You will have to frame questions using these words and the theme for your partner to answer. In part 3 too, you will work with a partner to only ask a question in 1 line based on an image card and similarly answer your partner’s questions in 1 line.
  • Reading (Lesen): Again divided into 3 parts, you will have to answer true or false for 5 questions in part 1 that will be based on questions from an email or letter extract, select the correct option for multiple-choice for 5 questions in part 2, wherein you will have to read the information on a website and answer questions based on the same, and select the correct answer choice for 5 questions in part 3 (information posters). You will have 25 minutes to complete this module.
  • Writing (Schreiben): Here, you will have to complete 2 parts in 20 minutes. You will have to fill in 5 blanks of a form in part 1 and write a letter or an email for 10 points.

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How to Easily Pass the A1 German Level?

There is no shortcut to passing exams. You will have to put in the effort to prepare.

Here are a few tips to easily pass German A1 Exam:

  • If you are studying with a language training institute, you will receive ample study resources. Thoroughly refer to them.
  • Research a bit. In today’s world of information, a lot of study materials are available in the form of content across digital platforms such as YouTube tutorials and study groups on Facebook.
  • You can even listen to podcasts to perfect your listening skills.
  • Team up with your friend to practice your speaking skills.
  • Try to write a small letter, a paragraph or a sentence on a daily basis to practice your writing skills.
  • Besides, you can compile a list of daily use phrases and common words and put it up near your study desk. You may even highlight the important grammar rules at your level and pin them up at your study/work desk. This will act as an easy reference point and will also ensure that you are glossing over the important terms at least once a day.
  • Moreover, watching movies in the German language will help you pick up words, practice your listening skills and perfect your pronunciation.
  • Importantly, practice for the German A1 exam: Draw up a study schedule. Download samples and previous question papers and practice. Besides, perfecting your skills in the language, you also need to work on time management.
  • Know your strengths: Such repeated practice will help you recognize your strong points. Focus on these areas to pull up your scores and do not fret over the weaknesses. Instead, try to improve.
  • Additionally, you can take additional Deutsche-Welle courses to gain more insight into the language.
  • Several language exchange programs are regularly being organized, check with your institute and/or the language groups and attend the same. These meetings help you to not only understand your level of training but also to network. You never know – you may form a friendship with a native/trained speaker and have someone to practice with.


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Is the German A1 level enough if I want to study in Germany?

The medium of lecture across schools in Germany is English. However, knowing German will help you with your day-to-day life in the city and connect and network with the locals. A1 level will train you in the basics of the language – such as simple sentence construction and daily/common use words. Thus, you will be able to introduce yourself and ask basic, simple questions such as asking for directions, ordering food, shopping, etc.

Is the German language tough?

Every language has its own idiosyncrasies. The harsh sound of the language may have led to the common notion that the German language is tough. However, it is comparatively easier to learn for native English speakers as in the West Germanic languages group, German is grouped with English and Dutch and as such bears semblance to its group partners.

Can I easily clear the A1 German level?

Yes, A1 is easy. Practice each component well and train in time management for the A1 German test. You will be able to easily pass the exam.

What are the passing marks for the German A1 exam?

60% or 36.

When will I get my A1 German exam results?

In 10 -15 days, you will be able to download your A1 German level exam results from the Goethe website.

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