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Are you a Part of Your Study Group?

If you are wondering whether group study would be productive for cracking GRE or not, here are 5 points you need to know about cooperative learning. (You can show this to your parents as proof!!!)

Trivia? may be not!

What you consider trivialities may turn out to be the MVPs (most valuable players). For example, the Quant sectionImage-14 in GRE deals with basic mathematical skills, understanding elementary mathematical concepts, and reasoning quantitatively. If you are from India, you realize that all pertinent topics to GRE are covered during schooling. Over a period of time, it is likely that you forget some of the nuances of these topics or such intricacies might just stay latent in your passive memory. In such a tricky situation, you have to resort to group studies as they are hotbeds of guided reading. You can certainly learn completely new concepts from your peers for it is not uncommon that a student misses out on a few concepts. These knowledge gaps may act as barriers in solving problems. Forming groups for studies helps to eliminate the possibility of overlooking such key yet inconspicuous issues.

Jason has a habit of forgetting things. Are you Jason?

If yes, you need friends. The exam is not all about concepts. You need to be equipped with certain documents for a seamless administration of your test. GRE is conducted under some of the strictest rules of proctoring, and the exam expects you to have a certain level of documentation in advance. Already preparing for the exam, you might not find time to take care of such processes. Oh wait, it is not over until it’s over. Don’t you need to submit the scores?! Do you know that you can send your scores to four Colleges for free of cost? Do you know the ins and outs about the process?! You better stay connected with your friends for a hassle free admission process.

Image-21The social media ambush

When Whatsapp, Tinder, Facebook, twitter, snapchat, and many more of the same ilk set up an ambush for you, you can do nothing but succumb to it. However, your friends are more likely to motivate you to focus on studies. This is one of the most important benefits of peer learning. GRE preparation requires persistence more than intelligence. Learning with peers help you sustain the momentum, for peers not only give you pressure, but also help you. out of it.

Teach to learn

It is not only about benefitting from group studies, but also about giving back. Your friends may ask you questions Image-31taken from the ocean of GRE practice websites. Some may be legit or some may not be, but answering these questions will throw light upon those issues that you have never even thought of in the first place. Perspectives matter for a reason. More importantly one of the best ways to learn is through teaching. Also Interactive learning atmospheres foster critical reasoning.

Brownie points

In this day and age of virtual relations, group studies provide a great opportunity for developing social skills,Image-43 eliminating inhibitions, and enhancing knowledge. May GRE group study be a life-enhancing experience!
So what are you waiting for? Form a group and start prepping for GRE.


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