University of Utah
The University of Utah provides a transformative and outstanding educational experience as Utah's flagship university. It is a world-class institution of research and teaching founded on a tradition of creativity, cooperation, dedication to the community and service. Students will find a vibrant and multidisciplinary university focused on solving the greatest issues and needs of society through professors, advisors and study opportunities.
The aim of the university is to provide students with an academic experience regardless of their career path and things that enable them to master their interests and unique talents in order to create a meaningful life and serve the community, the state and the world. With 17 colleges and schools and almost 100 departments, it would be difficult to find a topic not taught in the University of Utah. This wide variety of different academic pursuits is what contributes to the intellectual energy encountered on campus.
Over 100 undergraduate and 90 graduate degree programs are offered by the university to empower, transform and... Read more
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Source : US News
Specializations/Levels | Median Starting Salary |
Urban and Regional Planning | $53,900 |
Architecture | $40,200 |
Biology | $46,200 |
Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, and Population Biology. | $41,500 |
Finance | $55,800 |
Accounting | $53,800 |
Business Administration, Management and Operations | $52,500 |
Marketing | $47,400 |
Public Relations & Advertising | $46,500 |
Communication and Media Studies | $44,600 |
Journalism | $40,600 |
Education | $35,600 |
Computer Engineering (CE) | $81,400 |
Chemical Engineering | $79,300 |
Electrical Engineering (EE) | $71,500 |
Mechanical Engineering (ME) | $65,900 |
Biomedical Engineering | $63,200 |
Civil Engineering | $60,700 |
English Language and Literature | $43,500 |
Romance Languages | $40,700 |
Nursing | $55,800 |
History | $37,600 |
Mathematics | $54,900 |
Global & International Studies | $45,600 |
Behavioral Science | $41,200 |
Health and Physical Education/Fitness | $45,100 |
Physics | $59,200 |
Chemistry | $45,600 |
Psychology | $39,300 |
Sociology | $51,200 |
Economics | $50,800 |
Political Science and Government | $47,600 |
Geography and Cartography | $46,500 |
Anthropology | $40,400 |
Design and Applied Arts | $49,400 |
Film, Video and Photographic Arts | $46,900 |
Fine and Studio Arts | $40,400 |
Average Cost
*All the data points mentioned above are approx. figures and has been collated from various sources based on the data of 2019-2020.