Glendale Community College, California
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Glendale Community College, California

Established in 1927, Glendale Community College (Glendale, CA) offered 'over 85 years of educational excellence and efficiency' during this period. Glendale College, or GCC, is fully accredited by the WASC Regional Accrediting Authority. The College also has an active and dynamic International Student Program department — enrolling 1,211 International students from over 50 countries. GCC has one of the highest "transfer.

The College offers some 75 academic majors leading to the Associate degree, along with a wide selection of General Education courses - allowing students the opportunity to complete requirements for the first two years of college and then transfer to a university with full junior standing.

The Glendale College Scholars program increases the probability of being recognized nationally by universities. The college also specializes in high-tech facilities for state-of-the-art job preparation that set the norm for other colleges. On-campus, there are 22 computer laboratories.

We have over 500 scholarships available and you may apply for all of them by filling out one simple application. The minimum requirements to apply for the GCC Scholarship are that you must have completed 12 units at GCC, have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and be enrolled in a minimum of 3 units.Furthermore Glendale Community College student faculty ratio is 22:1.

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International Students
Acceptance Rate
Student/Faculty Ratio
Male/Female Ratio
Average Tuition Fee Per Academic Year
Average Cost of Living
Application Fee
Alumni Starting Salaries
Specializations/Levels Median Starting Salary
Average for Graduate Programs$23,500
Cost of Living
Average Cost

Daily Life
These are the approx. & quarterly expenses that need to be incurred under various heads that are mentioned above.
Specific entry requirements vary basis the subject area, level and course. You can get in touch with our admission counselors for a detailed discussion and understanding of requirements for the courses of your choice. Just share your details and we will reach out to you for a FREE session.
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*All the data points mentioned above are approx. figures and has been collated from various sources based on the data of 2019-2020.